
Choose the price tier that fits you the most


10 $

  • Unlimited hits
  • Track 1 website
  • Custom notifications
  • 7 day Free Trial

Monthly Pro

29 $

  • Unlimited hits
  • Track unlimited sites
  • Custom notifications
  • Pay monthly
  • Installation support


399 $

  • Unlimited hits
  • Track unlimited sites
  • Custom notifications
  • One time fee
  • Installation support

Frequently Asked Questions

Popular questions about our web analytics tool

1. What types of analytics does Pretty Insights offer?

Pretty Insights provides a comprehensive suite of web analytics tools, including real-time visitor tracking, behavior analysis (like page views, session duration, and bounce rates), conversion tracking, and custom event monitoring. We also offer detailed segmentation, allowing you to analyze data based on user demographics, behavior, and custom-defined criteria.

2. How does Pretty Insights ensure data privacy and compliance?

We prioritize data privacy and are fully compliant with major regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and others. Our platform uses anonymization to protect user privacy and offers consent management tools to help you collect data responsibly. We do not sell data to third parties and provide robust data management tools to help you comply with data subject requests.

3. Can I integrate Pretty Insights with other tools and platforms?

Yes, Pretty Insights easily integrates with a wide range of platforms and services including content management systems, e-commerce platforms, and marketing tools. Our API and webhooks allow for seamless data exchange and integration with your existing tech stack, enabling you to centralize your analytics and insights.

4. Is Pretty Insights suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Absolutely! Pretty Insights is designed to scale with your business. Whether you’re a startup, a growing business, or a large enterprise, our flexible pricing plans and customizable dashboard ensure that you get the analytics features you need to support your business’s growth and decision-making processes.

5. What support options does Pretty Insights offer?

We offer a range of support options to ensure you get the most out of Pretty Insights. This includes an extensive knowledge base, email support, and live chat for immediate assistance. For enterprise clients, we also offer dedicated account management and onboarding assistance to ensure a smooth implementation and ongoing success.

6. Is Google Analytics the only web analytics tool?

No, google analytics is not the only web analytics tool, and as you see Pretty Insights is an alternative website analytics service for the saas founders which offers a simpler dashboard, mobile app, detailed reports, notifications and charts.

6. How is your solution different from all the other analytics tool?

We have focused on the basic needs of a saas founder which are: tracking visits from organic traffic, from twitter/x and other social networks, tracking the sales from various payment gateways and integrating with other tools. It provides a simple dashboard, and straight forward information without even crating cookies in the customer site.

6. Are web analytics free??

Yes, some web analytics tools are free, but pretty insights, although has a free trial option, its not free. But the pricing is reasonable for a starting saas founder providing great benefits even for developers wanting to track their app activity.